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About Us

ECOM Media Group, LLC., owners and operators of the Off-Campus Housing 101 (OCH101) network of property websitesoperates as a network encompassing online rental databases tailored for university and college students across the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean. Our comprehensive database features a diverse array of rental properties, including apartments, houses, condos, basement suites, executive accommodations, shared or roommate setups, furnished options, mobile homes, and townhouses, all designed for student housing needs. As pioneers in the field, we established the first online off-campus housing database in North America, revolutionizing the way student rental properties are listed and discovered-replacing the traditional approach of newspapers and magazines.

Moreover, we were trailblazers in introducing an international off-campus housing solution through our Off Campus Housing 101 search engine, becoming the premier internet listing service to bridge this gap in the U.S. This platform facilitates landlords in reaching out to students from over 100 colleges and universities, aiding students in finding a comfortable abode away from home.

From our modest beginnings in 1998, we have consistently offered an initial 30-day listing free of charge, allowing you to experience the value of our service before committing to a fee. Over the span of 22 years, we have garnered a multitude of satisfied, long-term landlords who appreciate our offerings. While much of our services operate in an automated manner, we have retained a toll-free customer hotline to assist landlords requiring personalized support for their listings or accounts, and we extend custom services to larger property management companies.

Off-Campus Housing 101 proudly offers an up-to-the-minute database of rental properties. Listings are added and maintained directly by landlords or property owners, ensuring that the information remains as current as possible.

For a nominal fee, Off-Campus Housing 101 facilitates substantial exposure through a collaborative network of partners working cohesively for optimal visibility. Geographical integration ensures that the site you visit is seamlessly connected to all others within our network. Our partnership also extends to over 100 colleges and universities across North America, significantly amplifying your overall reach.

For further information, please email us at